
Аarhitektura - napravi si sam

сряда, 27 януари 2010 г.

Luxury Homes Interiors Villa in Kata Hill, Phuket Thailand

Luxury Homes Interiors Villa in Kata Hill, Phuket Thailand

This is exclusive villa with luxury interior design, located in ata Noi beach and straight into the Andaman Sea, Phuket. Getting some inspirational ideas for your home with modern interiors design in these beautiful villas.

luxury interior villas beach homeLUXURY INTERIOR VILLAS BEACH HOME

luxury home interiors living roomLUXURY INTERIOR VILLAS LIVING ROOM

This concept of luxury villas have everything you need, whether security, privacy, luxury and comfort. Lots of lush green mountains which wrap along the coastline make beautiful scenery to watch out from your bedroom windows and balcony. It was nice position to avoid the direct heat of the tropical sun in the afternoon peak. There are luxury home interiors includes five large bedrooms, two study rooms, a kitchen of superior design, the maintenance of areas and a large main room. It is flanked by open walkways, and waterfalls.
luxury home interiors dining roomLUXURY INTERIOR VILLAS DINING ROOM

luxury home interiors bathroom ideasLUXURY INTERIOR VILLAS BATHROOM IDEAS

luxury home interiors master bedroomLUXURY HOME INTERIORS MASTER BEDROOM

luxury home interiors kitchen design

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